Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jonathan Edwards

I enjoyed reading the Personal Narrative of Jonathan Edwards. It really changed my perspective of him. In high school we had to read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". I remember my teacher kind of slandering him and saying how mean and heartless he was. I kind of agreed with her because I was not well informed. I only read one sermon of his and nothing else by him. I've been in college for almost two years now and one thing I have learned is to be well informed. Never be satisfied with one part of the story. This is a prime example of why this is true. Had I read his personal narrative along with his sermon my opinion of him would have been drastically different.

After reading his personal narrative I really have a lot more respect for the guy. I believe that he was filled with the Holy Spirit and that he was trying to help further God's kingdom. His writing sounded so humble to be not to have been from the Holy Spirit. As for his sermon, "Sinners in the hand of an angry God" sometimes people hate to hear the truth. There is going to be a judgment day and only the believers of God are going to live eternally with Him. We need to wake up and start living for God and stop sinning and hurting Him.

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