Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As in my last blog, I was not too happy when I found out that we had to read Emerson. I knew it was coming, because he is considered a "great" American writer. His introductory biography was four pages, longer than anyone else's so far. For class we are spending two days on him. Obviously people think he is an important American to know.

Personally, I do not see why he is that "great" of a writer. In no means am I saying that his moral character was bad. He seemed like a nice guy. He was married twice, but only because his first wife died. He spoke out about slavery and women suffrage. The thing I am most concerned about is his faith. He went from being a minister, to believing in a "higher power" but not necessarily God. I think that is sad. How can someone who appreciates and sees the beauty in nature not believe that there is a God who created it all and who is in control of it?

Maybe I am being too hard on him or may not fully comprehend his writing? I don't know. We will see what others think in our class discussion tomorrow.

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